Stacked Laundry vs. Combination Units - Pros and Cons

The life expectancy of appliances has dropped significantly since the turn of the century. A good washer and dryer has an estimated life of seven to ten years - and you're lucky if you get more out of them. One of our most common questions when discussing stacked laundry is, "Why would I get a combination unit? If it breaks I have to replace the whole thing!"

There are many reasons why all-in-one combination units like the LG Wash tower and the new Electrolux are increasing in popularity.

1. Accessibility. When the dryer gets stack on the washer, the dryer controls sit at about 76-78" from the floor. This makes it very difficult for elderly customers and shorter consumers. The Wash towers put the controls for both directly in between the washer and the dryer.

2. Size. Stacked units have gotten much larger than units from 15-20 years ago. the all-in-one units eliminate 4-6" of height, and in some case 2-3" in depth. Thus making it easier to retrofit into a cabinet or closet.

3. Design. There is no doubt that designer laundry rooms and mudrooms are on the rise in popularity. The wash towers have a flatter front, giving any laundry rooms a more modern design. As opposed to stacked units that bulge out in the front, making them look large and bulky.

The downside is yes, if one breaks and cannot be repaired, you will most likely have to replace the whole thing. However, there are instances where if you have two units stacked on top of each other you would have to do the same. For example, if you washer died after three years and you want to switch brands, you will also have to replace the dryer. Washer and dryer pairs have a specific stacking kit to allow the dryer to sit on top of the washer and be secure. The kits are brand, and sometimes model specific. So it is not cut and dry that when you have stacked units they can be replaced one at a time.


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